About US


The idea of creating a company that could help companies manage their business processes more efficiently and effectively was born 20 years ago when one of our founders discovered his passion for this type of tools.

His passion led him to explore a path of much learning, to work as an enterprise resource planning software developer in major companies in Eastern Europe and to develop skills that today make us a company with the competencies to provide our clients with the certainty of a well-executed and quality work.

Today we have a team of experts who work closely with each client to understand their needs and provide customized solutions for their business processes. We are proud to say that our clients trust us to help them achieve their business goals.
We believe in the importance of innovation and customization, and we are committed to working with each customer to find the right solution for their needs.
If you are looking for an ERP solution that can help you take your business to the next level, contact us today and let’s talk about how we can help you!

Who are we?

We are a Colombian company focused on consulting and implementation of custom ERP software. We were born under the premise of helping our clients focus on what they do best, running their businesses. 

Our mission is to help companies in the Americas to optimize and manage their companies through ERP systems, working together with 1C:Enterprise technology. We have a team certified in consulting and implementation of business management software solutions, this is located in various regions of Colombia thus covering the entire national territory. We have a proven track record of success stories in the implementation and maintenance of ERP systems based on the 1C:Enterprise platform for large companies in Eastern Europe. 

One of our differentiators is our knowledge of the 1C:Enterprise platform. With this tool, we can provide quality, adaptable, and scalable solutions tailored to our clients’ needs.


Our mission is to provide scalable, comprehensive and fully adaptable ERP systems to all business models, including manufacturing, commercial and service companies. Providing the ability to manage all your business processes in one place.


We seek to offer high quality ERP solutions that boost the efficiency and productivity of our customers, thus achieving by 2027 an organic positioning among the best ERP software providers.

Meet the team

Meet our
team of professionals

Meet friendly, experienced and knowledgeable team members who make individuals and companies feel satisfied with their qualifications. They tend to take their work seriously, carefully.



Un líder técnico experimentado con más de 18 años en la industria de TI. Ha gestionado con éxito proyectos importantes de desarrollo e implementación de ERP para reconocidas empresas financieras, petroleras y de gas en Europa del Este.



Administradora de negocios internacionales con amplia experiencia en la construcción de estrategias en las áreas de planificación, administración, proyección y gestión de proyectos de transformación digital, con conocimiento en el marketing digital y el manejo de sistemas ERP Y CRM.



Ingeniera Electrónica, magister en dirección de marketing con más de 10 años de experiencia en dirección estratégica, creación y posicionamiento de marca, branding, apertura de nuevos mercados, ventas, fidelización de clientes, B2B, B2C y marketing digital.



Ingeniera Mecánica con especialización en Gestión de Proyectos y Preservación y Conservación de los Recursos Naturales con amplio conocimiento en gerencia de proyectos conforme a los estándares y buenas prácticas establecidos por el PMI, con énfasis en las áreas de gestión de tiempo y calidad.